you've spent
way too long
sitting on a bench
just one street over
from the one
your bus
drives down
you've spent
way too long
sitting on a bench
just one street over
from the one
your bus
drives down
Stop praying, such fools,
don't you know WE are god
We are the creators,
made in the image
of the deities we formed
to make it seem like
we are separate.
We are god.
We are making it rain.
Rain bullets
rain blood
rain pain
rain injustice
rain murder
rain oppression
rain terror.
WE are doing this
as god
because WE are all one.
the thought that some of us
don't have blood on our hands
is the problem.
The sooner we get that
the sooner we stop dividing
our responsibility
MY problem
YOUR problem
The right hand
on the body
of a man
harms a child.
The left hand
on the same body
just hangs there
or flaps around
in the air
Both hands on the body
the whole body is guilty
not just the right hand.
You were raised in New England
and that means
summers on the beach
toes in the sand
learning to swim in the
Icy Atlantic.
Where you are told
“you’ll get used to it”
“don’t be a pussy”
“be brave, girl”…
Blue fingers.
Blue lips.
You never got used to it.
And now you’re in your 50’s.
And it still spits you out.
Blue fingers.
Blue lips.
And never once did they let on
that there are places…
Anyone can go.
Any Body can go.
There are places.
That don’t.
That won’t.
Spit you out.
Freeze you out.
There are places that wrap
around you like a blanket.
Always warm.
As if they actually
want you
to stay.